Thursday, September 26, 2013


Do you have that one thing that hits home? That one thing that changed your life and you knew it the moment you held it in your hands? Well, I did. Ohhh... where to start? It all started as a third grader in my girl scout troop, my troop leader decided that we were going to write letters to soldiers, I was freaking out inside. What was a going to say? I didn't know but all I knew was that this had to be the best letters of my life. My short lived life of 11 years which I thought at that time was so much. I knew that these letters weren't just letters they would make a day, a year, and maybe just maybe a lifetime. I thought to myself what is a third grader going to write that is going to affect the life of a grown man. So I wrote my letters, all my might went into them. When they got sent out I waited day after day for the reply. No one else really cared but me I cared, I cared a lot I felt as if everyday my heart was going to burst out, and finally that mighty day came that my troop leader handed out the letters to whom they belonged. She handed me the two letters that belonged to me. I felt as if I was the luckiest little girl in the world to be holding in my had the patience of a soldier, to write to me. I opened them and read them. Never did I ever think that some simple little letters could change me. From that day on I always have said that I wanted to go to the military to hopefully write a letter like the one I received as a child that can change a little girls mind or make her day or even receive a letter when I hopefully am in the military that will remind me of this glorious moment I had as a child. These letter I hold them near and dear to my heart they are the reason I am what I am today and I carry these letters everyday with me, never do I go out with out them they are my most prized possession they keep my head held high and remind me of the sacrifice that some people make for our freedom. If you ever want to ask me where are my letters I will pull them out and show them to you no questions asked they are just always with me.


Every morning they stand their waiting. Waiting for someone to come and help them but are they really only waiting for someone to come along and offer a petty job that will last only for one day. Are they waiting for the hope of a better life a better future for their kids? Sometimes even I think that will never come because of the way that they are view called talked about. Immigrants. What comes to your mind when you say that word? The usual illegal, poor, always running, Hispanics, etc. For me when I hear that word I think someone in need of help, desperate for a better future. They wake up every morning and pray that they will be look at differently less like a nobody and more like somebody that can do something. But why did they get this name? How are they any different than the very immigrants that founded the wonderful country? The men who built America Carganie, Rockefeller, and Ford, were they not sons of immigrants or grandchildren of immigrants how are they any different. Sometimes we don’t even know if the person we talk to every day is an immigrant so why is that when it is discovered everything changes. Is it because America the brave is scared of something it doesn’t know. They walk around like nothing is wrong but in reality they are scared that the next day they won’t be able to be here and strive for the better life that they want or long for. They are scared that just one day someone will come and just remove them from the place they now call home the place they have worked so hard to be in. So many things come up in politics about these people yes they are people but nothing is ever settled and why is it that it is so unsettling yes I understand we risk the security of our country but look at the things that happen even with the people that aren’t immigrants. I just believe that everyone deserves a chance and the ability to look for a better future than what they had.