Thursday, December 12, 2013

And Again...

Is there really a certain way to act or dress that is classified as normal… or is it more of normal to us as robots of society who can’t see anything that’s different because our hard drive crashes and the only way of fixing the crash is to isolate the person trying to be different... In society people are socially out-casted because of what they wear, how they act, the things they do. But are we truly allowed to judge the people that are our peers. I mean is it really our place to say… our place for our opinion on what they like. A big problem as a child I had was the fact that I wanted to go to the military, ever since I was in third grade. In my school my choice was not socially accepted. I got laughed at many times by the girls in my middle school and elementary school because the military to them was classified as a man’s job. So for me to feel accepted and a part the girls I changed my future profession to a wedding planner; I mean what is more girly than a wedding planner, nothing, and yes this got me in to the crowd but as I grew older and noticed how much I loved what I wanted to do I finally accepted my difference and at the end of 8th grade I told my parents I did want to go to the military and that was my little moment of social acceptance because of course I believe that no one should be judged because you never know someone until you’ve walked there path. This is a big problem especially among us teenagers this out-casting leads to suicide, depression, and even self-neglect which is not okay. What are we all monsters, can we all not live in a place together and be different or as mentioned in one of my favorite songs “America the brave still fears what we don’t know “and its true we fear what we aren’t exposed to on a regular basis but why, why can’t we just except the new thing and move on.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Stop it Weirdo...

In life following the social order is something that is viewed as the “right” thing to do. In life some people live to follow the social order and then there are the people who self willingly isolate themselves, choosing not to follow that “right” thing. This is something that is dealt with throughout our whole life whether it’s an adult following the social norm of buying a computer that’s very expensive or a little kid having to sit down for circle time. There is one time where it’s the hardest to make your decision of following social order or not… and that when we are teenagers in high school. At this time we are just finding who we are and where we belong and it doesn’t help that if we do choose to follow the path of individuality we get judged for doing so. It happens especially here at Brien Mcmahon. When someone sees another person not wear the “normal’ clothes they just talk about them behind their back. This just becomes a repeated thing that will always stick with that person that chooses to be different. But can anyone really define normal? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary normal is defined as according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle. Is there really a certain way to act or dress that is classified as normal… or is it more of normal to us as robots of society who can’t see anything that’s different because our hard drive crashes and the only way of fixing the crash is to isolate the person trying to be different. I have to say I have been a person that isolates the person but now I’ve come to realize that life is about making yourself happy no matter what other people may say, so what’s the point of me judging someone and expect not to get judged in return…. That’s what isn’t a part of social order, that is what makes us individuals that should get isolated.